Offering me a couple of the sea-turtles: (he was non-stop smiles, but EVERY time I snapped a picture, it was before/after he smiled- getting him to look at the camera was pure coincidence)
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Gifts from Gulf Shores!
Slade received a package in the mail from Mia, PopPop, Michelle & Grandma today! He was SO excited when I handed him the envelope- wish I would have gotten his reaction on film. But once he had opened his gifts, we put his new 'Gulf Shores' shirt on and went into his room to take some pictures! Here he is holding all of his gifts:
Yelling at me to take the money from him:
Playing with the sea-shell sea-turtles from Aunt Shellie:
Offering me a couple of the sea-turtles: (he was non-stop smiles, but EVERY time I snapped a picture, it was before/after he smiled- getting him to look at the camera was pure coincidence)
Bucket head!
Meticulously placing all of his new treasures in his bucket:
Offering me a couple of the sea-turtles: (he was non-stop smiles, but EVERY time I snapped a picture, it was before/after he smiled- getting him to look at the camera was pure coincidence)
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Glad to see him having so much fun! Love you all! --Mia
Can't wait to see y'all in a couple weeks. Slade is growing up so much! Thanks for posting the photos.
Paw-Paw Pergola
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