Monday, April 13, 2009

Long time, updated post!

Happy Easter! Long, LONG time since the last post. First, the important part: PICTURES!!!

Our toothy Easter bunny...
Slade loved his white-chocolate Easter Bunny...

And tasting his bendy-stretchy bunnies...

Not only was Slade fascinated by his chirping Chick, but you can note a cat's ear (behind his shoulder) who started prowling around, then licked the chick

Slade's Easter basket complete with goodies

Not very cooperative during our photo-op
Still grumpy
But it was worth it in the end!
We still have a lot of home maintenance to do (as you can see from our grimy 80's wallpaper and stained laminate floor) but we're all happy and healthy!
I've got to go clean Slade up from dinner but I'll post more soon!


Anna said...

Hey Taylor,
I love the pictures! Slade is SO adorable. I hope to see you soon. Love,

Me said...

sup Tay,
I like the pics of slade!!!
wish I got ten peeps to myself!
see ya

Mom said...

New pics please for those of us who live 9 hours away. Love- Mom