Friday, November 7, 2008


As of Sunday morning, Slade started showing signs of being sick. I thought it was allergies since he stayed with friends Saturday night who have three indoor dogs. Lo and behold, all week long he coughs, sneezes, slimes me out, eats less & is actually cranky. So we finally made it to the Dr's...I wanted to make sure he didn't have pnemonia or anything major. Turns out he has (yet again) ear infections in both ears. I thought we were over that, with having tubes put in and all. But at least now we're getting it treated.

Just in time because now I'm starting to cough & blow my nose. Yay flu season!


Andrew & Laura said...

I feel Slade's pain! I've had this stupid cold for...2 weeks? This morning I coughed and felt it in my lungs. Of crouse, that's AFTER I told Andrew I was feeling great yesterday and cancelled my appt. GO figure.
I hope Slade feels better soon! Poor baby- there is nothing worse than the yucky baby sickies!

Suzanne said...

Same thing going on here. The boys are down and out with fevers, headaches, and cold symptoms. I suppose the girls will be next week. Take your Vitamin C mamma.
Love you guys.